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Lewisham Live and Arts Award

Are you a teacher and interested in your students taking part in Arts Award? 


Why not use their Lewisham Live involvement to achieve Arts Award Discover? 



The Arts Award qualifications are designed to inspire learners up to the age of 25 to grow their arts and leadership talents. Most of all, they aim to support and encourage learners of all levels and abilities and from all backgrounds and cultures to engage and participate in the arts. From the initial Arts Award Discover level, all the way through to Gold Arts Award, these qualifications offer a variety of ways to approach creative and wider skills development that can be tailored to the centre, adviser and learners.

Arts Award Discover is an introductory award open to children and young people aged up to 25.


For more information about Arts Award and how involvement in Lewisham Live Festival can help with achieving Arts Award Discover, click the button below.




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