Wednesday 17 April, 6-9pm
Ages 18 -21. Delivered by award winning organisation Tangled Feet
A practical, playful workshop unlocking how award winning Tangled Feet make their work.
Tangled Feet Is a theatre ensemble and a charity
We create original, visually stunning, transformative performances, sometimes inside theatres but often in other public spaces. We create atmospheres and experiences for the audience which are thrilling, surprising and memorable, which always feel 'live' and in the moment, where the unique reality of this audience, in this moment, right here is acknowledged and celebrated.
You will work alongside two Tangled Feet directors and five ensemble actors to explore physicality, ensemble working methods and devising skills. This is also a chance to help create material for the company’s next show and a chance to be in it.
In October 2019, as part of the Albany’s Festival of Creative Ageing, Tangled Feet will present ‘Half Life’ – a performance that is inspired by the ensemble’s founders turning 40 and will include theme’s of ageing, perspective, friendship and our hopes & dreams.
As part of the production Tangled Feet will recruit five performers aged 18-21 (as well as five children and five 70+ performers) to form a company of twenty people to be in the show. Rehearsals will be in September but anyone can attend this workshop even if they are not interested or available for final show.
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water
Find out more on the Albany Website.