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Updated: Jul 1, 2021

It's here! Watch MiniWinterreise below, introduced by Lucy Drever, featuring performers from Beecroft Garden, Prendergast Ladywell and St Stephen's CE schools, with pianist Jocelyn Brown of Song Easel, singer Francesca Chiejina.

More about MiniWinterreise

Winterreise (German for Winter Journey) is a collection of songs written by composer Franz Schubert, based on poems by Wilhelm Müller. Performed by a singer and pianist, the songs take the listener on a Winter's journey: from the darkness of the longest night to the beauty of frozen nature and the hopes of Spring.

Starting during the UK's lockdown in early 2021, pianist Jocelyn Freeman of SongEasel and soprano singer Francesca Chiejina brought the music of Winterreise to primary schools in Lewisham. The school pupils explored the music in workshops both online and in-person, presenting their own responses to the work through photography, dance, drawing, song, composition and poetry. They were struck how the subject of moving through the Winter months had parallels with the journey through the lockdowns we have all experienced this year.

Students from Beecroft Garden, Prendergast Ladywell and St Stephen’s schools took part in the project, culminating in a short performance of the songs from Winterreise, translated from German to English.

“I’d never felt anything like that, I felt sad and happy and so many emotions”

Predergast Ladywell Student

I set out to share my love of Schubert’s Lieder [songs] with young people in Lewisham. Only in my wildest dreams did I imagine this project would see 130 children singing Schubert with such commitment and enthusiasm. The future of music is bright!

Jocelyn Freeman, co-founder and director of SongEasel

Singer Francesca Chiejina. Photo credit Nick Rutter


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